Children are taught an understanding of mental illness, which provides an opportunity for them to share emotionally and relationally with the group and facilitators.Continue reading“Name That Feeling Support Group”
Help for Families
Families can play a valuable role in supporting a family member with a mental health problem. Having a family member with a mental illness is stressful. In addition to coping with the practical issues of day-to-day living, families can experience tremendous guilt, fear, grief, anxiety, self-doubt and uncertainty. The person with the mental illness benefits most from support and encouragement. Family members and friends who have a good understanding of the illness and treatment options will be better equipped to be supportive. Each family member may react differently to the situation. The person dealing with a mental illness must always be treated with dignity and respect.
Many self-help organizations offer information and support to families.
Here are a few tips for families:
Find out about mental health resources in the community.
Keep a journal of notes about what has been happening, which can help you to see patterns, etc.
Make a list of questions you may want to ask the doctor.
Ask for information about the illness and the treatment.
Offer choices to the person such as ”Will you go to the hospital with me or would you prefer (name a friend) go with you?”
Have a plan for dealing with crisis situations such as who to call, what services are available, and who can support the person and family through a crisis.
Make sure you are looking after yourself: maintain outside interests, gain support from others, seek counselling if necessary.
Al-Anon Alateen
The Al-anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.Continue readingAl-Anon Alateen
Aulneau Renewal Centre
204-987-7090Continue readingAulneau Renewal Centre
Aurora Family Therapy Centre
204-786-9251Continue readingAurora Family Therapy Centre
Centre Renaissance Centre
844 Autumnwood Drive, Winnipeg MB 204-256-6750Continue readingCentre Renaissance Centre
Eight Stages of Healing
A 10-week program for families and friends of someone with a mental illness and/or a co-occurring disorder.Continue readingEight Stages of Healing
Family and Friends
A support group sponsored by the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba.Continue readingFamily and Friends
Family Dynamics
204-947-1401Continue readingFamily Dynamics
MacDonald Youth Services, Family Navigator Program
This program is designed to support families and young people age 13-24 to navigate Mental Health and Addictions services and supports in ManitobaContinue readingMacDonald Youth Services, Family Navigator Program
Manitoba First Episode Psychosis Family Support Group
Families with young people who have experienced first-episode psychosis meet monthly to share, learn, support each other and lobby.Continue readingManitoba First Episode Psychosis Family Support Group