Health Links is a phone service that provides free health information and advice in your language at any time, day or night. Contact/Address Information: Phone 204-788-8200 to speak with a registered nurseContinue readingHealth Links
Programs and Services
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health problem, you may not know where to turn for information, help or support. This guide is intended to assist individuals, families, friends or professionals to access information on the variety of services and supports available in the community of Winnipeg.
Health Links – Info Santé
This 24 hour health information and referral assistance line is staffed by registered nurses. 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257Continue readingHealth Links – Info Santé
Hope Centre Health Care
240 Powers Street, Winnipeg MB 204-589-8354Continue readingHope Centre Health Care
Hospital Emergency
Several hospitals have psychiatric nurses on duty in emergency for part of the day/evening.Continue readingHospital Emergency
Hospital Patient Advocates
Winnipeg hospitals have patient advocates or patient representatives who can follow up on concerns around patient care. Call the hospital switchboard for contact number.Continue readingHospital Patient Advocates
Housing Options
Manitoba Housing owns and manages rental housing accommodations in many locations across Manitoba.Continue readingHousing Options
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM)
The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM) provides: Housing and organization that helps newcomer community Programs such as After School Program, gardening program, EAL and Literacy classes, family supports and more Child-minding available for EAL class students Employment skills training Educational, social and recreational supports Contact/Address Information: Address: 95 Ellen Street Phone: 204-943-8765 […]Continue readingImmigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM)
Immigrant Women’s Counselling Service
The Immigrant Women’s Counselling Service offers: Counselling for women who face violence or trauma Group counselling on healthy relationships, anger management, parenting, and self-esteem Services available in several languages Contact/Address Information: Address: 200 – 323 Portage Avenue Phone: 204-940-6624 Email: iwcs@mts.netContinue readingImmigrant Women’s Counselling Service
Immigrant Women’s Counselling Services, Nor’ West Co-op
785 Keewatin Street, Winnipeg MB 204-938-5900Continue readingImmigrant Women’s Counselling Services, Nor’ West Co-op
Independant Tenant Advisor — Residential Tenancies
Provides information to all tenants representing themselves in residential tenancy matters and provides representation to qualified renters.Continue readingIndependant Tenant Advisor — Residential Tenancies