204-415-6797 or 1-855-672-6727 115 Pulford Street, Winnipeg MBContinue readingMen’s Resource Centre
Programs and Services
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health problem, you may not know where to turn for information, help or support. This guide is intended to assist individuals, families, friends or professionals to access information on the variety of services and supports available in the community of Winnipeg.
Mental Health Education for Families
CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg offers a 8-week course for families and friends.Continue readingMental Health Education for Families
Mental Health Education Resource Centre (MHERC)
What is MHERC? Operated by the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society, MHERC provides educational resources on mental health and mental illness to consumers and their families, caregivers, service providers, educators, and the general public. The MHERC resources are available for loan, free of charge, to all Manitobans. MHERC services include: LENDING LIBRARY – MHERC has a comprehensive […]Continue readingMental Health Education Resource Centre (MHERC)
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid is a 12 hour course now being offered in Winnipeg. Mental Health First Aid is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. For more information on the program, visit the Mental Health First Aid Canada website at www.mhfa.ca. For information on […]Continue readingMental Health First Aid
Mental Health Review Board
Under the Mental Health Act, patients have the right to appeal certain aspects of their admission or treatment in a psychiatric facility.Continue readingMental Health Review Board
MFL Occupational Health Centre
The MFL Occupational Health Centre is a community health clinic that provides: Information and resources about workplace health and safety Community workshops on workplace health and safety in newcomers’ first language (204-926-7908) Medical care and counseling for injured worker Contact/Address Information: Address: 102-275 Broadway Phone: 204-949-0811 Email: mflohc@mflohc.mb.ca Website: mflohc.mb.caContinue readingMFL Occupational Health Centre
Mobile Crisis Service — Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
204-940-1781 — WRHA is a multi-disciplinary team specializing in crisis intervention, mental health assessment, and short term follow-up for adults experiencing a mental health crisis. Offers 24 hour crisis intervention and home visits.Continue readingMobile Crisis Service — Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba
MDAM operates throughout Manitoba, supporting those affected by mood disorders, their friends, families, caregivers and supporters. 204-786-0987 or 1-800-263-1460 Postpartum Warmline: 204-391-5983 100 – 4 Fort Street, Winnpeg MB www.mooddisordersmanitoba.caContinue readingMood Disorders Association of Manitoba
Moods Magazine
Moods magazine was founded in 2003 and is a national publication providing educational information to everyone. Celebrity success stories, healthy living, and good nutrition are just some of the regular topics. Moods emphasizes preventative measures, while also diminishing the stigma attached to mental illness. Visit www.moodsmag.comContinue readingMoods Magazine
Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network
The Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network provides: “Nobody’s Perfect” Parent Groups and parenting programs Family literacy reading with your kids Help for newcomers to adjust to life in Canada so that they can become active members of their new community (child-minding available) Contact/Address Information: Address: 397 Carlton Street Phone: 204-774-7311 Email: vcavers@mosaicnet.ca Website: www.mosaicnet.ca *4 locations in […]Continue readingMosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network