Rehabilitation and Recovery
We provide recovery supports to people 18 and over living with mental illness and addictions in a variety of ways. Through a step-by-step process, our Recovery Workers help people to recover or discover meaningful roles in life. Whether it is a social goal, a housing goal, an educational goal, or an employment goal, participants are supported to develop wellness plans, gain self-awareness and insight about recovery, problem solve an issue before a crisis develops, and respond to and manage stress.
CMHA’s Rehabilitation and Recovery Service also provides the following services:
Community Housing with Supports
This program works with 50 individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness or who have resided in transitional housing settings for an extended period. These individuals will be supported by a team of Rehabilitation Workers and Skills Coaches that will assist them to locate housing, establish their household and maintain their housing through the provision of supportive services within their housing and adjacent community. The team will use a holistic approach to identify client needs and work with the client in collaboration with existing health and social service providers and community resources to meet these needs. Referrals for Community Housing with Supports are completed through Doorways Centralized Intake.
Mental Health and Addictions Service Navigation
CMHA Recovery Navigation Specialists work to connect individuals, caregivers, families and natural supports to recovery-oriented supports and services within the entire mental health and addictions systems.
Employment with Supports
A short term program that provides the tools and information for the achievement of satisfying and successful employment. Participants looking to join or return to the workforce are supported through a rapid employment approach.
Recovery College Courses
Throughout the year, CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg offers a variety of health and wellness related courses to all those with a desire to learn about and improve their mental health. Visit our website for course descriptions and to register.
Recovery Support Group
This recovery focused group meets every Thursday from 7 PM – 9 PM to discuss strategies to manage depression and anxiety. Drop-in anytime, no registration required.
For information or to register, call the Canadian Mental Health Association Manitoba and Winnipeg at 204-775-6442 or visit
930 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg